Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So my dad and I are watching Say Yes to the Dress, which we watch exclusively to be shocked by poor taste and high price tags, and someone said something about how no one is comfortable in their body. My father turns to me.
"I dont believe that. I'm comfortable in my body."
"I think they mean women." I said. He regarded me thoughfully.
"Arnt you happy in your body? You worked so hard of it, and take such good care of it."
And then the happy thought hit me. I am comfortable in my body. Sometimes I feel odd or awkward, and sometimes I dislike parts of me, but that always passes.
I think I look great, and I feel great too.
"Yeah, I am. Very much so."

First time I've ever really felt that. Its spectacular.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


So I've been gone. Sorry bout that. I'll make up for it.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


It may just be a wig, it may be for a role, but I love this haircut!
I love her, I think she's quite pretty, and I love it when pale, pretty girls get short hair, cuz that makes me feel like I'm going in the right direction.
I am totally taking this photo in for my next haircut.
Plus, pretty dress.

Via TLo, my souce of all things fashionable. (even though they disagree about the dress.)