Friday, April 29, 2011

Another Princess Bride


The Future Queen's dress reminded me of another, oh so stylish princess bride. The same sort of timeless, understated elegance.



I would be remiss not to say how elegant and beautiful I think this dress is. And I'm not normally a wedding dress person.

She looks great! What a lovely lady.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Like a Tea-tray in the Sky

Its been a while sense I did a polyvore set, though I imagine that you're all bored of them.

Alice in Wonderland

Monday, April 11, 2011


Yep, I went back and got it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Do you ever get lured by a peice of clothing that isnt in any way you?
Typical you, I should say.
I'm a fairly retro girl. I love a good pencil skirt, and a 50's esque polka dot dress. I have a great passion for pearls, and I just generally feel that I was born into the wrong satorial age.

And then there are days like today........
I found a really lovely asymetrical knit tunic at a store today, reduced way, way down, and I am tempted. There was only one, and I left it there, and I'm really, really tempted to go back tommorow and see if its still there.
Its not my usual thing! I like a cinched waist and a knee lenth hem! I'm not the minimalist, mod girl. I dont have the body for that sort of thing..... usually.....
I keep thinking how cute it would be with leggings and flats, particularly on a plane trip, like the one I have coming up. And my resolve waivers.

Do you ever have small fashion identity crisis? I know I do. And I'm going to have to think long and hard about that tunic.